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Open Space Committee Minutes 4-25-2007
Town of Newbury

NEXT MEETING –MAY 9th , 7 PM at Town Hall

Open Space Committee Minutes

Meeting: 7:00PM April 25th, 2007 at Newbury Town Hall

Present: Martha Taylor, Dan Streeter, David Powell, Matt Kozazcki, Mike Carbone, Tom Galligani, Judy Tymon, Geoff Walker

Minutes of 3/28/07  were approved as submitted by voice vote.

1.  Judy Tymon reported that she had been contact by Dick Bazirgan concerning access to the Parker River for Caldwell Farm residents.  Committee discussed involving the ConCom in this and the need for more details and the status of public access to any trails etc.
This request emphasises the wildlife corridor/greenway potentials along the river in this area.

2.  Group discussed Sections 3 and 4 of the Plan as drafted by tom G.  Marlene, Martha and David P had submitted and passed on comment to Tom.  Martha volunteered to proof tom’s text.

3.  There was discussion of the use of town recreation facilities and the financial arrangements , if any, concerning use by other towns’ residents etc.  There are some plans to improve the facilities at Central St- “club house”, “food stand” (?) etc. –septic system and Byfield water are in place at the site.  
It was suggested that sound and transparent management of the Central St fields, the Library ball field etc be added to the Plan as an action item.

4. Committee began a review of the goals and strategies  set out in the 2001 Open Space Plan (OSP).
Suggestion that we remove 1-1. C the special account for revenue from sold 61As. (What is/was the fate/disposition of the 61A abatement monies on the Caldwell parcel  ? Has it even been collected.)

5.  There was extensive discussion of Objective 1-3, “Encouraging agriculture”, in the old OSP.  Patterns of farming are changing radically in this area with any kind of traditional farming (livestock, dairy, feed crops etc) being less and less viable.
If we are to encourage farming and thereby help preserve open space do we need to find new and innovative practices which offer  longer terms solutions than the inevitable haying.  Tendercrop for example is very much at the mercy of economic factors which are often beyond their control –energy costs, market costs, customer access, possible new grocery in town etc etc.
OSP and town as a whole needs to endorse the “Buy local” push to help both farm and agriculture ventures, as well as its positive “green” (low carbon) effects.

6.  The Committee should explore concepts like the “20%”use tax benefit for New Hampshire property owners (Need more details on this from Geoff W).

7.  Newbury should explore a regional approach to new agricultural initiatives.  Work with Rowley  and other towns to increase the critical mass and to expand the potential market areas etc.  
(Is this and Essex County Forum [the local Smart Growth group] type of project?)

8.  There was discussion of rephrasing 1-1 and 1-1.A, to remove implication of stopping all development.  
Also suggestion that we combine 1-1.B and 1-1.I ,  and focus it more on informing and involving Town boards etc. with an emphasis shift to strategic parcels that create or extend  potential networks/corridors of open space (e.g. The Parker River greenway idea).

9.  1-1.G, Environmental constraints map, should be remove as this map exists already – MVPC etc

10.  Need to add to 1-1, Create an Open Space Trust Fund in the Town and pass the CPA.

11.  Should Town-owned property with a conservation value be put under the active management of the ConCom ?

12.  What is status of public access to conservation land in the town which has come from OSRDs (see item 1 above Caldwell Farm) and how this is monitored –who, what monies etc.
Monies for this monitoring could come from the OSRD bylaw (or its rules and regs.) by adding a requirement that any OSRD contribute to (set up) a fund to pay for monitoring of CR by conservation group such as Greenbelt or Trustees.

Submitted  David Powell, recorder

NEXT MEETING –MAY 9th ,7 PM at Town Hall

PUBLIC MEETING –projected MAY 30th  (where, when etc ??)